The Mayan Calendar and the Subconscious Mind. About the mysterious events that transform thoughts and actions into real events.

good luck

1. About the Mayan calendar, subconscious changes, and lifestyle

“The Mayan way of life”

Hello everyone! Do you know how Maya lived? Ha ve you ever heard of the terms “power of attraction” and “subconscious mind”? This is a very powerful force, but sometimes we can’t help but get carried away by it. That’s why it’s quite difficult to remember your thoughts and cherish the present.

In times like these, the Mayan calendar gives us daily hints. For example, ha ving a strong opinion of yourself and trusting others. If you practice these things in your daily life, you will start to think that life is more important.

Actually, once I started living the Mayan way, a lot of strange things happened. In the Mayan calendar, it’s called “synchro,” which means that if you enjoy what you’re doing and value your life, your desires will come true sooner.

That’s why Maya’s way of life is so interesting. By enjoying your life and spending it with care, you will increase your ability to cherish the present, and the speed at which your wishes will come true will increase.

2. What is the relationship between the Mayan calendar and Gregorian calendar?

“Differences between the Mayan calendar and the Gregorian calendar”

Ha ve you ever heard of the Mayan calendar? The Mayan calendar is different from the Gregorian calendar that we usually use. The Mayan calendar has a deep connection with the universe. Thanks to that, you can feel the energy of the universe.

But the government has changed the way they use the Mayan calendar. Why? They wanted to prevent us from using the energy of the universe. In the Mayan calendar, a year was calculated as 13 months, and the number 13 was considered important. However, the number 13 is not very popular in Christianity, and there is a bit of history behind it.

Also, the Mayans discovered the idea of 0. But they suddenly disappeared somewhere. It’s strange?

The Mayan calendar was not created by humans, and it is important to align with the rhythms of nature and the universe. If you just live your life by valuing the number 13, many things will go smoothly.

3. The Mayan calendar is a mysterious month and day that slowly attracts your wishes over time.

In Japan, it is called the “Ancient Mayan Calendar” or the “Mayan Calendar,” but it is actually different from the real Mayan Calendar. Even the Mayan elders say, “This is not the Mayan calendar.” That’s why when people introduce it, it sounds like it’s been around for a long time, and a lot of spiritual things are said, but that’s completely different. Sometimes it works if you believe it, but sometimes it stops working when you know the truth.

It is said that your subconscious mind changes, but for example, in the case of the 13th month, it seems like you will slowly realize your wishes in one month.

4. The meaning of the word Mayan calendar. Does it ha ve to do with 13?

“What is the Mayan calendar? ”

Ha ve you ever heard the term “Mayan history” recently? But, it’s different from the calendar used by the ancient Mayans. Actually, it is the “13 Moon Calendar” created by an American doctor in 1990.

I don’t think the Mayan calendar has any ancient magical powers. But what’s interesting is that the Mayan calendar values the number 13. The clocks and calendars we usually use end in 12, but the Mayan calendar values 13.

So, I started thinking about what would happen if I changed from the 12 rhythms I had up until now to the 13 rhythms with the addition of 1. The 12 rhythms are imprinted on your subconscious mind, but if you change it to the 13 rhythms, your big wishes may come true.

Your subconscious mind has a strong ability to interpret your current self and the events that occur. In times like these, the Mayan calendar comes in handy. It helps me think about what happens to me.

5. About the true meaning of synchronization

“What is synchro? ”

Ha ve you ever heard of the word synchro? Something strange happens.

For example, if you think you’re interested in aromatherapy, the person you met for the first time that day might be an aromatherapy teacher, or there might be a course you’re interested in being held near your house. In other words, what you think in your mind suddenly becomes reality.

When something fun like that happens, suddenly a problem is solved or something you want comes true. Therefore, the feeling in your heart of “I want to do something!” becomes the power to improve yourself. If you don’t get anxious and take care of what you ha ve in mind, the problem will be solved.

As the synchronization continues, your confidence will grow and you’ll start to think, “Yes, I’m doing well, too.” And as you learn more about synchronization, you will get closer to the state of attraction, where what you think will become reality more and more.

I ha ven’t reached that level yet, so the hints are given to me little by little, and it takes me a while to understand the message that says, “Do this!” But once you know that, it’s time to take action! That’s what it feels like.

6. Is a person’s luck determined by synchronization?

Ha ve you ever heard of the word synchronization? This refers to when what you think becomes reality, or when your mind and reality match perfectly. In other words, what you think becomes reality.

In order to cultivate this power of synchronization, it is important to cherish each day. Yes, valuing the “here and now” is the secret to creating synchronicity.

It is believed that a person’s luck has a certain rhythm. And if you look deep inside yourself, you can sometimes find out when you’re doing well and when it’s a little difficult to act. I’m paying attention to changes in my subconscious and reexamining my own mind.

When I do something related to my subconscious, for example, I use the word affirmation to synchronize with the law of attraction, but I try changing the content slightly, and when I’m in doubt, I try using affirmations to gain courage. It’s important to try it out.

By acting in this way, you will create a stronger connection between your subconscious mind and the universe. As a result, your thoughts and ideas become reality. In other words, synchronization occurs! Isn’t it amazing?

I hope this article will be helpful to you.

Thank you for watching so far!