good luck

Helping people in need changes lives. Why the importance of considering the feelings of others is so important in the world.


Today, I would like to talk about the importance of helping people in need.

1. The importance of considering the feelings of others in need

There may be people around us who are in trouble from time to time. For example, a friend may be injured and unable to move, or may be ha ving trouble because they don't understand their homework. What should we do in such a situation?

First of all, it is important to "consider the feelings of others." When you are in trouble, it feels very reassuring when someone helps you. People in need also need help.

2. Small help can be a big help. Helping each other makes everyone happy

Next, please remember that "small help can be a big help." For example, going to the nurse's office with an injured friend, or thinking together with a friend who doesn't understand their homework can be a big help. Even small actions can be a great support for someone in need.

It is also important that "helping each other makes everyone happy." When you help someone, you feel happy, and the person who was helped is also happy. By helping each other, everyone can live happily and enjoyably.

3. Ha ve the cour age to ask for help and express gratitude.

Furthermore, "the cour age to ask for help" is also important. When you are in trouble, don't hesitate to ask for help from those around you. If you are helped, don't forget to express your gratitude by saying "thank you." By spreading the spirit of helping each other, everyone will feel kinder.

Finally, ha ve the "eyes to find people in trouble." It is important to observe your surroundings carefully and be aware of whether there are people in trouble. If you notice someone in trouble, try to call out to them immediately. Even just asking "Are you OK?" will surely make that person feel relieved.

It is very important to help people in trouble. Let's create a world where we can all help each other and live with kindness. I support you.

4. Become a trusted person by helping others

Sometimes there are people in trouble around us. For example, a friend may lose something and be in trouble, or may be worried because they don't understand their studies. In such a case, what happens if you help them?

First, helping someone "warms your heart." When a person in trouble says "thank you" with a smile, you feel very happy. By helping each other, everyone feels happy.

Second, you can "become a person who is trusted." When you help someone in trouble, that person will trust you. When you are trusted, you will ha ve more friends and become friends with everyone. Trust is very important.

5. Feeling that you ha ve the ability to help others leads to self-confidence.

It is also a chance to "learn new things." When you help someone in trouble, you can ha ve new experiences yourself. For example, by helping a friend with their homework, you can learn how to solve the problem yourself. By helping each other, you can grow as a person.

Furthermore, it can also "gain confidence." By helping someone, you can feel that you ha ve the ability to help others. This leads to confidence. When you gain confidence, you will be able to try more different things.

6. Helping people in need makes the whole world a kinder and more enjoyable place

Finally, "the world will become kinder." When everyone helps people in need, the people who are helped will also want to help others. In this way, the circle of mutual help will expand, and the whole world will become a kinder and more enjoyable place.

Helping people in need also has a positive effect on your own life. Your heart will become warmer, you will be trusted, you will gain confidence, you will grow, and the world will become a kinder place. If you see someone in need, please try to help them. I'm sure you will see wonderful changes!

Thank you for reading this far.


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