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good luck

What are the effects of carbonated drinks and sweeteners on the body? I wrote about why carbonated drinks and sweeteners are bad for your body.

Why carbonated drinks are delicious but bad for your body

Carbonated drinks are delicious and fun to drink, but drinking a lot of them can be bad for your body.

1. Carbonated drinks contain a lot of sugar, so they increase your risk of getting sick

Carbonated drinks contain a lot of sugar. If you eat a lot of sugar, you may get tooth decay and gain weight. If you gain weight, you will be at a higher risk of getting sick in the future.

2. Carbonated drinks are low in nutrients, so they can make you sick

Carbonated drinks contain almost no nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. Therefore, if you drink only carbonated drinks, you may not get the nutrients you need and may become sick.

3. The phosphoric acid in carbonated drinks affects your bones

It is said that drinking a lot of carbonated drinks may weaken your bones. This may be due to the "phosphoric acid" contained in carbonated drinks.

I will also explain why sweeteners are bad for your body.

Sweeteners are often used as a substitute for sugar, but you should be careful with this as well.

1. Many sweeteners are artificial, so they can affect your body

There are many sweeteners that are artificially made. Since these sweeteners are not natural, it is still unclear what effects they ha ve on the body.

2. The risk of getting used to the sweet taste due to foods and drinks that use sweeteners

If you eat a lot of foods and drinks that use sweeteners, you may get used to the sweet taste and want more sweet things. If this continues, you may eat a lot of sugar, which can lead to tooth decay and obesity.

3. Sweeteners can cause gas to build up and stomach rumbling

Some sweeteners can cause gas to build up in the stomach, which can cause stomach rumbling and pain.

Finally, a summary of carbonated drinks and sweeteners

In summary, carbonated drinks and foods and drinks that contain sweeteners are fine to enjoy occasionally, but consuming a lot of them every day is not good for your body. It is important to choose drinks and foods that are good for your body, such as water, tea, and fruit. Try to live a healthy life and enjoy a balanced diet!


-good luck