good luck

Changes in your mindset and ways of thinking to overcome suffering. To solve problems, you need to be positive


Today, I will talk about how to overcome difficulties and live positively.

1. What is necessary to be positive

Everyone's life has fun, sad, and painful things. However, no matter how painful things are, you can be positive with a little ingenuity.

First of all, it is important to "feel your feelings properly." When you are sad or in pain, you don't ha ve to force yourself to suppress those feelings. It's okay to cry if you want to cry, and talking to someone can make your heart feel lighter.

2. Setting goals and feeling grateful will warm your heart

Next, it is also important to "set small goals." For example, try new things little by little every day. It's fine to do small things like reading a new book or making new friends. If you succeed, you will gain confidence in yourself.

And "ha ving a feeling of gratitude" is also effective. Try to find something to be grateful for every day. Being grateful for small things such as family and friends, a healthy body, and delicious food will warm your heart.

Don't forget to ask for help. Rather than worrying alone, talking to friends, family, and teachers can give you hints on how to solve the problem. Helping each other will make you feel better.

3. It's important to think of failure as an opportunity to learn

It's important to ha ve a positive mindset. Even if you fail, you can think of it as an opportunity to learn. By thinking about how to do it better next time, you can continue to grow.

Even if you are going through a difficult time, if you take care of yourself, help each other, and move forward step by step, a bright future is sure to await you. I'm rooting for you.

4. Changes in your mind and your way of thinking when you are feeling distressed or worried

I'll talk about how your mind changes and how you think when you are feeling distressed or worried.

First of all, while everyone has fun and happy things, they also sometimes ha ve sad and painful things. For example, when you fight with a friend or find studying difficult, you may feel distressed.

What changes in your mind occur when this happens? At first, you may feel very sad or anxious. However, this feeling will not last forever. It will gradually ease over time.

5. Understanding your own feelings can change your mindset

When you are in pain, it is important to understand what you are feeling. Acknowledge your feelings by saying, "I'm sad now," or "I'm worried now."

When you are in pain, you can relax by taking a deep breath. Taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly will calm your mind a little.

6. Positive thinking will solve the problem.

Even if you are in pain, think that overcoming it will help you grow. For example, thinking, "I will become stronger if I solve this problem" will make you feel positive.

Asking friends, family, and teachers for help will lighten your heart. Talking with everyone can help you find new perspectives and solutions.


No matter how painful something is, you can change your mindset with a little ingenuity. If you calm down, your worries will gradually be resolved. Everyone, please try to face your heart and stay positive.

Thank you for reading this far.


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-good luck