luck sound

luck sound

285hz increases consciousness from multidimensional realms.

285hz calms the mind and helps heal the heart. 285hz is a frequency that is said to ha ve a positive effect on the mind....
luck sound

174hz is the basis for expansion and evolution of consciousness

174hz is a frequency that stabilizes the mind. 174hz is an excellent frequency for removing negative emotions from the m...
luck sound

852hz will give you intuition, inspiration and wisdom.

852Hz is a solfeggio frequency that awakens intuition. Solfeggio frequencies are a group of sound frequencies that are s...
luck sound

741hz helps to enhance expressiveness and leads to problem solving.

741Hz is a frequency that supports the improvement of expressive power. It is also effective in cleansing the area. 741H...
luck sound

639hz is the 4th chakra, the frequency that repairs relationships and delivers love to the world.

639Hz has a positive effect on the mind. The Solfeggio frequency consists of the sound of 639HZ (Fa). 639Hz has the effe...
luck sound

528hz is a frequency that has the power to heal your body and work miracles.

528Hz is the frequency of love 528Hz is one of the frequencies that some people refer to as the "love frequency". This i...
luck sound

417hz is the frequency that gives us courage to challenge new heights.

The 417Hz frequency is said to promote positive change. Using the 417Hz Solfeggio frequency to convert energy into posit...
luck sound

396hz removes your fear and anxiety

"" 396 Hz is said to ha ve the meaning of "liberation" and "release from past trauma". 396Hz is said to be the frequency...
luck sound

Is 285hz effective for natural healing?

By listening to music and sounds with a frequency of 285 Hz, you can expect mental and physical relaxation, stress relie...
luck sound

174hz is the frequency that heals the body and mind

174Hz is a frequency that has special significance in frequency therapy and sound healing. 174Hz is a frequency that has...